Das Weltkulturerbe
The World-Cultural-Heritage in 2025
Meat on the Plate
Fee English translation on 31 July 2021.
Excerpted from the web on 11 January 2018:
Meat Atlas: Four per cent vegetarians are not enough.
Strong warning from Meat Atlas
Germans consume 59 kilos of meat per capita and year.
Actually, sober facts should suffice: 77 percent of the global agricultural land is used for raising, keeping and fattening farm animals. Yet animal foods cover only one-sixth of humanity's calorie needs.
In South America and Asia, primeval forests, swamps and savannahs are being converted into soya and maize monocultures for animal feed.
The five largest meat and dairy companies on the planet produce more climate-damaging gases than the oil multinational Exxon. One third of all greenhouse gases are caused by livestock farming.
See more in the Internet or see that German-language document.
Humans always have Priority over Animals!
Ursula Sabisch, Luebeck, Germany
To all People!
Please let the Geman-language writing be translated into many languages and be handed over to the corresponding people.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Sirs,
It is high time for a change of consciousness, preferably among the people of rich nations who want meat on their plates every day.
Due to this greed for meat, whereby one should take a closer look at the word greed, people often have to starve or even die in the poorer countries of the world, because many of these poor countries, for example in Latin America, have decided to export meat, as the demand for meat has always been great and will always be greater.
The feed for the animals is often soya, wheat and many, many other foods that could have fed the people of the poorer countries but these foods are now being used for years to grow animals, especially cattle. This has been going on in this way for decades now, until climate change is now being discussed due to the specific climate gases produced by farm animals! Otherwise, no one would have had to worry about this kind of export-import business!
As my person understood it from the news yesterday, 2 million animals are slaughtered every day. Whether this only applied to the FRG, one could find out retroactively. A change of direction that kills several birds with one stone would be possible with the following suggestion: Take the cheap meat out of the supermarkets. Split up the entire meat industry by creating several small slaughterhouses, which would allow many master butchers to be involved in a new way.
In this way, animals could be expertly killed one by one in a natural way and overproduction could be better monitored. Not only overproduction, but also natural and healthy animal husbandry would be regulated by reducing the total number of animals worldwide. The meat would be healthier, respectively healthy and fresh, the import of meat could be avoided; in return, the natives of the meat exporting countries could ultimately all live better through the food of the animal feed and the control for the used feed of the own agriculture would be given, which will certainly be noticeable in the state of health of many meat eaters.
However, it should be clear that the price of meat would have to adjust to reality and meat would thus become much more expensive, leaving the health of the population of rich nations and the survival of the population of poorer countries unaffordable!
The breaking up of an industrial chain does not have to create unemployment, quite the contrary; only renunciation must be practised equally on all sides and not just be a unilateral turn of change. It must be added, however, that the meat industry, for example, should be made to work again in the short term in order to be able to end it once and for all, which would then have to be waited for and, regrettably, would have to be related to the cycle of life. With regard to climate-damaging gases, it is also important to mention that not only livestock, but increasingly the construction and dismantling of oil rigs, for example in the North Sea, causes gases such as methane to escape from the seabed into the atmosphere, in the Arctic/ Antarctic, the sea bed underneath the ice will also allow a lot of gases to escape freely into the atmosphere due to the melting of the ice, which nature will probably regulate to some extent, but to a large extent will probably not be able to be changed!
Note: What man can change or modify, he should implement in time, before implementation is prevented or made impossible by future catastrophes!
Yours sincerely
Ursula Sabisch
Luebeck, 11 Jan. 2018